Blog Posts — start with art RSS


Like many of you, I watched the Social Dilemna last year. My reaction was very focused outside myself. I was angry. Mostly that big social media businesses were manipulating the masses - including myself. The result was a few “can you believe it,” conversations with friends and family, a few weeks of avoiding social media altogether and then…a gradual return. 

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31 Ordinary Days

Friends -  Are you ready to slow down and see your life with new eyes? Let's do it together! The #31ordinarydays art challenge does not require new art supplies. There is no bar for entry and anyone can join. Simply pick a place in your environment that you will paint, draw or write about for 31 days in March. That's it! Please also commit to joining the #31ordinarydays community by posting pictures with our hashtag. I can't wait to connect with you and see everyone's creations throughout the month.  If you don't already follow me via Instagram, here is where I hang out: @barnandtown @erinvincentart @thankyouformakingthat Please also make a note to listen to the weekly podcast which can be...

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Expired Claritin

It appears that Benjamin Franklin was wrong. He once said that, “nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” amidst the coronavirus pandemic has proved that to be false. Schools are closed, grocery stores are limiting purchases as shelves run bare AND our traditional April tax deadline has been moved to July. The world has shifted on its axis. 

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A Few Tips For Stocking the Art Supply Cupboard

We live in unprecedented times. As news around Coronavirus swirls endlessly, we are met with uncertainty but also resilience. In Washington state where I live, schools are shut down for the next six weeks and while we scramble for childcare plans and that last roll of toilet paper rumored to exist at the local grocery store — my little community is also busy inventing ways to support each other while we spend time at a distance. I was particularly cheered by a new Facebook “helper” group whereby healthy people volunteer to run errands and help bring necessities to those who may be housebound. Another community member is making what she is calling “vats” of soup for anyone who might need...

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